Sunday, 12 February 2017

One puddle, if we wallow in it
From ‘The Golden Key to Open Hidden Treasures’ - Thomas Brooks

One sin stripped the fallen angels of all their glory.

One sin stripped our first parents of all their dignity and excellency.

One fly in the box of precious ointment spoils the whole box.

One thief may rob a man of all his treasure.

One disease may deprive a man of all his health.

One millstone will sink a man to the bottom of the sea, as well as a hundred.

One puddle, if we wallow in it—will defile us.

Just so, one sin allowed and lived in—will make a man miserable forever.

Some will leave all their sins but one. Satan can hold a man fast enough by one sin which he allows and lives in—as the fowler can hold the bird fast enough by one wing or by one claw.

Satan is content that men should yield to God in many things—provided that they will be but true to Satan in some one thing. The devil knows very well, that as one grain of poison may poison a man, and one stab at the heart may kill a man—just so, one sin unrepented of, one sin allowed, retained, cherished, and practiced —will certainly damn a man.

Though all the parts of a man's body are healthy, except only one part—that one diseased and ulcerous part may be deadly to you. Just so, one sin allowed, indulged, and lived in—will prove killing and damning to you.

It is horrid hypocrisy, damnable folly, and astonishing impudency—for a man to beg the pardon of those very sins which he is resolved never to forsake.

These things should be frequently and seriously thought of, by such poor fools as are entangled by any lust.

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